Narcotics Control Act Amendment Pre-announced on February 28
MFDS Designates Seven New Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances The Ministry (ˈminəstrē) of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS), led (lēd) by Commissioner (kəˈmiSH(ə)nər) Oh Yu-Kyoung, has announced a legislative (ˈlejəˌslādiv) amendment (əˈmen(d)mənt) to the Enforcement (inˈfôrsm(ə)nt) Decree (dəˈkrē) of the Narcotics (närˈkädik) Control (kənˈtrōl) Act, designating seven new substances (ˈsəbstəns), including (inˈklo͞od) Hexahydrocannabinol, as narcotic or […]